With the Staff of Herding in your hands, you can now head to the Glowing Crevasse on Act I’s Old Tristram Road. The Staff of Herding can be found under, of course, staffs. Make sure that you are on the Weapon’s Tab and that you are showing “All” rather than “Highest Usable”. Once you collect all that five items, you can pay Haedrig a visit and have him forge the Staff of Herding. Remember that Chiltara can spawn in both floors so search accordingly. In order for the Gemstone to drop you must find and kill rare spawn Chiltara, so you might have to come back to the Caverns of Frost several time before you can leave with your Gemstone. It is a random spawn, that will either be Cavern of Frost or Icefall Caves. Take waypoint to Bridge of Korsikk and run up to the Fields of Slaughter, the Caverns of Frost can spawn anywhere on the map. Gibbering Gemstone : Act 3 – Found in The Caverns of Frost I or II. This Cave is a random spawn and is not guaranteed to spawn in every Dalghur Oasis Map.Warning, this can be a very rare spawn – so don’t get discouraged. It can be found by opening the mysterious chest in the dungeon. The location of the cave is determined at random. Liquid Rainbow : Act 2 – Found in The Mysterious Cave. Out of all five, this is by far the easiest item to get. Wirt’s Bell: Act 2 – Found at the Town Vendor by the name of Squirt, she a little blonde girl that spawns to the right of the waypoint. All you have to do is double back, as the rooms where you can find the Shinbone are closer to the entrance. You might be better off by doing this part on story mode, as you’ll find a way point straight to the Manor. Otherwise, just break everything on sight. Check the fireplace for the burnt logs, if they have spawned click on them and you’ll get your shinbone. Inside that same courtyard you will find the entrance to Leoric’s Manor.

From there you can enter Leoric’s Manor Courtyard on the left side of the map. Take the waypoint to the Northern Highlands and run up to the Leoric’s Hunting Grounds. Leoric’s Shinbone : Act 1 – Found In Leoric’s Manor. They are not guaranteed the spawn so you might find reseting the game quite a few times. They can only spawn inside those rooms and they are fairly rare. Click on the dark/black mushrooms, they will be growing on the floor somewhere in the bookrooms. Take the waypoint directly to that level. The Black Mushroom : Act 1 – Found In Cathedral Level 1. All farming can be done in Adventure Mode, although Story Mode provides different waypoints that can be used to great effect.