A big bonus to those who run it with the Megamod is the Megamod's included Mr. Therefore, I cannot predict what may happen if you choose to run them together, though I'd go for "Nothing dangerous or even noticeable". It should already be off if you haven't turned it on.), or some weird stuff might happen.į2WR is also compatible with the MIB88 Megamod, though I personally have not tested this. Make sure you set the ammo mod settings in the RP's ddraw.ini to the default 0 if you use F2WR with the RP (i.e. Thus there is no need to start a new one.į2WR is fully compatible with Killap's Unofficial Patch and his Restoration Project, because it uses his item protos. It is also compatible with all saved games, as its changes apply themselves whenever you load up the game.

But if you're wearing Combat Armor, the Assault Rifle will barely itch. You can expect to be shred apart by someone wielding an Assault Rifle when all you're wearing is Leather Armor. These changes certainly make the game more realistic, fast-paced and dangerous, but not so much that they take away the fun. The specific changes are listed further down. This mod makes the Throwing skill more useful, makes AP ammo better than JHP against high level armors, rebalances laser resistance of all armors, retools the Bozar into a very powerful sniper rather than a deadly machinegun, rebalances the melee weapons, makes 7.62mm ammo more common, and much more! It all depends on what you choose to install, of course. You can contact me at or you can send me a PM in the No Mutants Allowed forums, where I am known as Magnus, and that is called Magnus.į2WR also has its own kickass thread in the NMA forums, where you can post suggestions, criticism, questions and other fine stuff. The F2WR, "Fallout2: Weapons Redone", is made and updated by me, Magnus.